A day in the park is always a good idea, but only in Key West would the park offer a Civil War area fort for visitors explorations, and Fort Zachary Taylor Historic State Park is the one that will change the way you look at parks forever! Offering the traditional aspects of parks, including picnic areas, swimming areas, and beautiful natural landscape, it’s the fort that makes all the difference, giving your military buff family members a thrilling adventure that could only come from Key West. This guide to Fort Zachary Taylor Park will show why we at RentTheKeys spend as much time as we can on its lush grounds and will give you yet another reason as to why Key West will offer your favorite vacation experience!
Located at 601 Howard England Way, Open 8-5 Every Day
Popular with bird watchers, the park is also home to one of Key West’s most well-loved beaches, offering a little something special for every member of your traveling party, but it is the Fort itself that will impress everyone! Construction of this formidable structure was completed in 1866 and it stood tall and strong against Confederate troops in the Civil War, and again against warring forces in the Spanish-American War in 1898. Today, Fort Taylor holds the largest collection of preserved Civil War cannons and other weapons in the nation and provides visitors with a picture-perfect peek into the troubles our young country faced during its early years. The Civil War reenactments held here every year present an authentic recreation of those troubled times, bringing to life a period in which brother fought brother and so many young lives were lost to battle, and when you stand in the footsteps of our ancestors, it will be hard not to feel what they felt when witnessing the destruction that probably could have been avoided. Walk through brick halls that are left pretty much the way they were all those centuries ago and if you listen closely, you may even hear the distant footsteps of boots hitting brick floors and the laughter and the cries of young soldiers at war.
Plan Your Visit to the Fort Zachary Taylor Park
History comes alive at Fort Zachary Taylor Park, and your vacation experience will be richer because you were here to witness what went on all those centuries ago. Contact us today to book your rental property in the area and come home to RentTheKeys!