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University Town Center in Sarasota

HomeAttractionsUniversity Town Center in Sarasota

Vacations offer a chance to escape the ordinary and dive deep into the extraordinary, and when your journey brings you to Sarasota, a visit to the University Town Center provides the perfect example! Billing themselves as the “center of it all” they have taken a shopping mall to a new level, and the only thing that can top it (with the exception of a day at the beach—beach days trump all) is a stay in our RentTheKeys Sarasota sanctuaries! This guide to our favorite “lifestyle center” will give you more ways to fill in the moments you aren’t chilling with your toes in the sand!

University Town Center is Located at 210 N Cattlemen Road

Yes, University Town Center offers shops and restaurants for your vacationing enjoyment, but there is so much more to this place than what a normal mall offers. Special events may include visits from Santa, but also include pumpkin festivals in the fall, trick or treating at Halloween, even a stunning water lantern festival that is as peaceful as it is beautiful. Cornhole tournaments, fitness events, movies on the green; the list of fun events they offer is virtually endless and will entice travelers to return again and again. An outdoor market allows visitors to enjoy the beautiful Sarasota weather, providing a farmers market appeal to your standard mall offerings, and we can attest to the fact that spending a few hours meandering through its market will bring you joy!

The stores not under canvas awnings are equally inspiring and exciting, offering the opportunity to purchase everything from apples (at BJ’s Wholesale Club) to zippers. (Yes, there’s a JOANN fabric shop in UTC.) Yoga classes, barber shops, chiropractors, salons, pet stores, tutoring, even an animal emergency room are examples of some of the services you can enjoy while hanging out in “the center of it all!” And when you are hungry? There’s no need to leave and go somewhere else because University Town Center Sarasota provides international restaurants, juice shops, coffee shops, fast food restaurants, bars, and tap rooms.

Ready for a Nap?

After walking, shopping, eating, drinking, and exercising your way through UTC, chances are you will be ready to enjoy some time off your feet, and our RentTheKeys comfy sanctuaries offer the perfect spots for naps and long nights of deep sleep and happy dreams. Reserve your favorite resting spot today!